Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The First Post

I've been wanting to create a blog in order to share my own awkward moments with people, and for other people to share their stories (or their friends') with me.
I have had my share of awkward experiences, but after a few moments of initial embarrassment, I usually appreciate the humor of the situations. I share with my friends, and they repay me with anecdotes of times in which they lacked social graces.
What defines a moment as awkward? I think it is based on the norms set by society, and when someone breaks these expectations, the awkward-ness appears. So why do so many people experience this? Is it because they briefly forget (or never knew) the norms and act on impulse? Or do they choose awkwardness above normalcy because they want to be different? Obviously every story is different, so perhaps it is a combination of these things... I don't know. But I would like to hear your stories.